ACQUASSIMO's Way of Disinfection, Sterilization and Deodorization

ACQUASSIMO is an outstanding product to sterilize and deodorize by killing almost all bacteria.

acuqassimo 40ml,300ml,500ml

ACQUASSIMO can sterilize bacteria by 99.9%!

so, How does ACQUASSIMO deodorization the virus?

1. ACQUASSIMO Way of Disinfection and Sterilization

Main ingredient (hypochlorite) of Acquassimo is composed of components which is inside of human body. The sanitizing is through decomposing each kind of pathogens, viruses and microbial parts that cause infections.

acquassimo's principle

Acquassimo is eco friendly product because it tis changed into water after decomposing pathogens, viruses and microbial parts.

2. ACQUASSIMO Way of Deodorization

- General spray of deodorization

acquassimo's principle

General spray of deodorization tucks cause of smell and blocks smell. But, it does not dismantle the cause of smell.

- ACUASSIMO has different deodorization mechanism!

acquassimo's principle

Acquassimo get rid of the smell by dismatling the cause of smell which is germ and microbial. After dismantiling, it changes into water, so it is safe.

So, ACQUASSIMO can Sterilization 99.9%!

acquassimo can sterilization 99.9%

Acquassimo sanitising water kills 99.9% of bacteria 
in seconds!

for baby, for pet, for all

For baby, For pet, For All !

Do you want to more information, please contact me!
ACQUASSIMO's Way of Disinfection, Sterilization and Deodorization ACQUASSIMO's Way of Disinfection, Sterilization and Deodorization Reviewed by Stella on February 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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